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Static Typing

htpy was designed to be used with static typing. Since you define all your own data/components with regular Python, a static type checker like mypy will catch errors like this:

class User:
    def __init__(self, name: str): = name

def greeting(user: User) -> Element:
    return h1[f"Hi {user.first_name.capitalize()}!]
#                        ^^^^^^^^^^
# mypy: error: "User" has no attribute "first_name"  [attr-defined]

Autocompletion of HTML Elements

htpy ships with type annotations for all HTML elements. If your editor supports it, it will show you useful auto completions:

Screenshot of autocomplete in VS Code.

Element and VoidElement Classes

The base types/classes in htpy are Element and VoidElement. Element are all regular HTML elements that can have children such as <div>, <span> and <table>. VoidElement are HTML void element which cannot have children such as <img>, <input> and <br>.

Use Element as the return type when you want to always return an element.

from typing import Literal

from htpy import Element, span

def bootstrap_badge(
    text: str,
    style: Literal["primary", "success", "danger"] = "primary",
) -> Element:
    return span(f".badge.text-bg-{style}")[text]


Node is a type alias for all possible objects that can be used as a child node. See the source for the exact definition that defines all kinds of nodes that can be children of an element. This is a wider type than Element since child nodes can be str, markup, None, iterables or callables.

Use Node when you want to create a wrapper function to be flexible with what you accept. This function will accept both a str or some other element to be passed as contents:

from htpy import Element, Node, div

def bootstrap_alert(contents: Node) -> Element:
    return div(".alert", role="alert")[contents]