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Elements are imported directly from the htpy module as their name. HTML attributes are specified by parenthesis (() / "call"). Children are specified using square brackets ([] / "getitem").

>>> from htpy import div
>>> print(div(id="hi")["Hello!"])
<div id="hi">Hello!</div>


Children can be strings, markup, other elements or lists/iterators.

Elements can be arbitrarily nested:

Nested elements
>>> from htpy import article, section, p
>>> print(section[article[p["Lorem ipsum"]]])
<section><article><p>Lorem ipsum</p></article></section>


It is possible to pass a string directly:

Using a string as children
>>> from htpy import h1
>>> print(h1["Welcome to my site!"])
<h1>Welcome to my site!</h1>

Strings are automatically escaped to avoid XSS vulnerabilities. It is convenient and safe to directly insert variable data via f-strings:

>>> from htpy import h1
>>> user_supplied_name = "bobby </h1>"
>>> print(h1[f"hello {user_supplied_name}"])
<h1>hello bobby &lt;/h1&gt;</h1>

Conditional rendering

None will not render anything. This can be useful to conditionally render some content.

Conditional rendering
>>> from htpy import div, b
>>> error = None

>>> # No <b> tag will be rendered since error is None
>>> print(div[error and b[error]])

>>> error = 'Enter a valid email address.'
>>> print(div[error and b[error]])
<div><b>Enter a valid email address.</b></div>

# Inline if/else can also be used:
>>> print(div[b[error] if error else None])
<div><b>Enter a valid email address.</b></div>

Loops / iterating over children

You can pass a list, tuple or generator to generate multiple children:

Iterate over a generator
>>> from htpy import ul, li
>>> print(ul[(li[letter] for letter in "abc")])


The generator will be lazily evaluated when rendering the element, not directly when the element is constructed. See Streaming for more information.

A list can be used similar to a JSX fragment:

Render a list of child elements
>>> from htpy import div, img
>>> my_images = [img(src="a.jpg"), img(src="b.jpg")]
>>> print(div[my_images])
<div><img src="a.jpg"><img src="b.jpg"></div>

Custom elements / web components

Custom elements / web components are HTML elements that contains at least one dash (-). Since - cannot be used in Python identifiers, use underscore (_) instead:

Using custom elements
>>> from htpy import my_custom_element
>>> print(my_custom_element['hi!'])

Injecting markup

If you have HTML markup that you want to insert without further escaping, wrap it in Markup from the markupsafe library. markupsafe is a dependency of htpy and is automatically installed:

Injecting markup
>>> from htpy import div
>>> from markupsafe import Markup
>>> print(div[Markup("<foo></foo>")])

If you are generate Markdown and want to insert it into an element, use Markup:

Injecting generated markdown
>>> from markdown import markdown
>>> from markupsafe import Markup
>>> from htpy import div
>>> print(div[Markup(markdown('# Hi'))])

HTML Doctype

The HTML doctype is automatically prepended to the <html> tag:

>>> from htpy import html
>>> print(html)
<!doctype html><html></html>


HTML attributes are defined by calling the element. They can be specified in a couple of different ways.

Elements without attributes

Some elements do not have attributes, they can be specified by just the element itself:

>>> from htpy import hr
>>> print(hr)

Keyword arguments

Attributes can be specified via keyword arguments:

>>> from htpy import img
>>> print(img(src="picture.jpg"))
<img src="picture.jpg">

In Python, class and for cannot be used as keyword arguments. Instead, they can be specified as class_ or for_ when using keyword arguments:

>>> from htpy import label
>>> print(label(for_="myfield"))
<label for="myfield"></label>

Attributes that contains dashes - can be specified using underscores:

>>> from htpy import form
>>> print(form(hx_post="/foo"))
<form hx-post="/foo"></form>

id/class shorthand

Defining id and class attributes is common when writing HTML. A string shorthand that looks like a CSS selector can be used to quickly define id and classes:

Define id
>>> from htpy import div
>>> print(div("#myid"))
<div id="myid"></div>
Define multiple classes
>>> from htpy import div
>>> print(div(""))
<div id="foo bar"></div>
Combining both id and classes
>>> from htpy import div
>>> print(div(""))
<div id="myid" class="foo bar"></div>

Attributes as dict

Attributes can also be specified as a dict. This is useful when using attributes that are reserved Python keywords (like for or class), when the attribute name contains a dash (-) or when you want to define attributes dynamically.

Using an attribute with a dash
>>> from htpy import div
>>> print(div({"data-foo": "bar"}))
<div data-foo="bar"></div>
Using an attribute with a reserved keyword
>>> from htpy import label
>>> print(label({"for": "myfield"}))
<label for="myfield"></label>

Boolean attributes

In HTML, boolean attributes such as disabled are considered "true" when they exist. Specifying an attribute as True will make it appear (without a value). False will make it hidden. This is useful and brings the semantics of bool to HTML.

True bool attribute
>>> from htpy import button
>>> print(button(disabled=True))
<button disabled></button>
False bool attribute
>>> from htpy import button
>>> print(button(disabled=False))

Conditionally mixing CSS classes

To make it easier to mix CSS classes, the class attribute accepts a list of class names or a dict. Falsey values will be ignored.

>>> from htpy import button
>>> is_primary = True
>>> print(button(class_=["btn", {"btn-primary": is_primary}]))
<button class="btn btn-primary"></button>
>>> is_primary = False
>>> print(button(class_=["btn", {"btn-primary": is_primary}]))
<button class="btn"></button>

Combining modes

Attributes via id/class shorthand, keyword arguments and dictionary can be combined:

Specifying attribute via multiple arguments
>>> from htyp import label
>>> print(label("", {'for': "somefield"}, name="myname",))
<label id="myid" class="foo bar" for="somefield" name="myname"></label>

Iterating of the output

Iterating over a htpy element will yield the resulting contents in chunks as they are rendered:

>>> from htpy import ul, li
>>> for chunk in ul[li["a", "b"]]:
...     print(f"got a chunk: {chunk!r}")
got a chunk: '<ul>'
got a chunk: '<li>'
got a chunk: 'a'
got a chunk: 'b'
got a chunk: '</li>'
got a chunk: '</ul>'