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Common Patterns

htpy itself is a library that does not impose any particular structure for your code. You have the full power of Python functions, classes and modules at your disposal.

General programming practices on how to structure modules, functions and classes apply to HTML generation with htpy.

This page describes common scenarios and patterns that may help you structure your own project in a good way.

File/Module Structure

It is generally a good idea to keep your HTML pages/components separate from HTTP request handling and "business logic".

In Django, this means that the view function should not directly generate the HTML.

Using a file named can be a good idea. If you have many components, you may create a components package instead.

Your component functions can accept arbitrary arguments with the required data. It is a good idea to only use keyword arguments (put a * on the left of the argument list to force keyword arguments):
from django.http import HttpRequest, HttpResponse

from .components import greeting_page

def greeting(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse:
    return HttpResponse(greeting_page(
        name=request.GET.get("name", "anonymous"),
from htpy import html, body, h1

def greeting_page(*, name: str) -> Element:
    return html[body[h1[f"hi {name}!"]]]

Creating components

A central way of structuring your elements, layouts is by creating components. The most straightforward way to create a component is to create a function that accepts arguments to allow customization. htpy requires no special arguments, decorators or classes to create a component. A component is just a plain Python function that returns a htpy element.

If you are used to React/JSX, this is similar to React functional components.

About Immutability

All elements in htpy are immutable, just like in JSX/React. This means that it is not possible to change an element once it is created. Instead of trying to change an element, you create a "component function" that accepts arguments to let you customize your element. You can define the component function with as many arguments as you like.

The immutability of htpy elements is by design. It makes it clearer how things are wired together and avoids surprises from changing existing elements.

Using a Base Layout

A common feature of template languages is to "extend" a base/parent template and specify placeholders. This can be achieved with a base_layout function:
import datetime

from htpy import body, div, h1, head, html, p, title, Node, Element

def base_layout(*,
    page_title: str | None = None,
    extra_head: Node = None,
    content: Node = None,
    body_class: str | None = None,
) -> Element:
    return html[
        head[title[page_title], extra_head],
            div("#footer")[f"Copyright {} by Foo Inc."],

def index_page() -> Element:
    return base_layout(
            h1["Welcome to my site!"],
            p["Hello and welcome!"],

def about_page() -> Element:
    return base_layout(
        page_title="About us",
            h1["About us"],
            p["We love creating web sites!"],

UI Components

Creating higher level wrappers for common UI components can be a good idea to reduce repetition.

Wrapping Bootstrap Modal could be achieved with a function like this:

Creating wrapper for Bootstrap Modal
from markupsafe import Markup

from htpy import Element, Node, button, div, h5, span

def bootstrap_modal(*, title: str, body: Node = None, footer: Node = None) -> Element:
    return div(".modal", tabindex="-1", role="dialog")[
        div(".modal-dialog", role="document")[
                footer and div(".modal-footer")[footer],

You would then use it like this:

from htpy import button, p

        title="Modal title",
        body=p["Modal body text goes here."],
            button(".btn.btn-primary", type="button")["Save changes"],
            button(".btn.btn-secondary", type="button")["Close"],